life is like a train journey

It was in 2019 when I was around 14 years old. We had a family wedding to attend for which we had to go to another state. Family gathering are so exciting when you have lots of cousins especially when they are so close to your heart. It was the wedding of my eldest cousin sister who is sweetest of all.

During the journey I too got the chance to travel in the train. The train was from Raipur to Kolkata. I was bit tired at that time but when it comes to writing my energy levels come up.

I noticed the things around and wrote about a paragraph about my experience in the train.

Few Days before I remembered that I have written something on train journey so I tried to find it but I couldn’t. I was bit disappointed but thought that maybe next time I would write better.

Today while going through my saved files I saw the title “life is like a train journey” and my happiness was uncontrollable. Smile wasn’t going from my face that yes I have got it.

So now I want to share that writing here with you all. Just because I want to keep it real I have not edited it. Some lines may not be much clear but that was me a year before.

Hope you will like it:

Life is a train journey!

You are so enthusiastic when you enter into it!

You don’t get any idea about it at first but after a while you get comfortable with it.

Then you meet different passengers.

With few passengers you spend some good time, you see some beautiful sites of journey and with some you spend some disappointing times and see some woeful sites. 

You meet some people and if you are impressive you leave your mark on them. 

Everyone’s destination is different from you. 

You are always concerned about your destination and position (seat).

Some people have their own food whereas there are some people who like to share theirs things with others passengers too.

At each station our reactions change.

Each passenger wants to reach their destination at right time or there are some who desire to be on their destination before time.

But the engine driver drives with his pace!!

When you reach your destination you feel thankful to the engine driver but there are some who criticise for their journey!

This is the journey of our life in which we people are the passengers and that engine driver is our God!!!!!!!!!!

So it’s all about understanding!!!!!!

About the author


Hi everyone, I'm Roop. I’m currently a student and blogger. I hope you like my articles as they all are my life lessons I share with you all to help in some way. If they do help, please let me know in the comment section. Please do not hesitate to share your valuable suggestions.

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