Life is like a train journey

Life is Like a Train Journey

It was 2019, and I was around 14 years old. We had a family wedding to attend, which required us to travel to another state. Family gatherings are always exciting, especially when you have lots of cousins who are close to your heart. This time, it was the wedding of my eldest cousin sister—the sweetest of all.

During the journey, I had the chance to travel by train. The train route was from Raipur to Kolkata. I was a bit tired at the time, but when it comes to writing, my energy levels always soar.

As I observed my surroundings, I felt inspired and wrote a short paragraph about my experience on the train.

A few days ago, I remembered writing something about that train journey, so I searched for it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find it and felt a little disappointed. I told myself that maybe next time, I’d write something even better.

But today, as I was going through my saved files, I stumbled upon a title that read, “Life is Like a Train Journey.” My happiness was uncontrollable, and I couldn’t stop smiling. Yes! I’ve found it!

Now, I’d like to share that piece of writing with you. To keep it authentic, I haven’t edited it. Some lines might not be perfect, but that’s okay—it reflects who I was a year ago.

I hope you enjoy it:

Life is Like a Train Journey

You are so enthusiastic when you first enter it!

At the start, you have no idea what to expect, but after a while, you begin to feel comfortable.

Along the way, you meet different passengers.

With some, you spend joyful moments and see beautiful sights on the journey. With others, you might have disappointing experiences and encounter woeful views.

Some people leave a lasting impression on you if they are remarkable.

Everyone’s destination is different from yours.

You’re always concerned about your destination and your position (your seat).

Some passengers bring their own food, while others like to share what they have with fellow travelers.

At each station, your reactions change.

Every passenger hopes to reach their destination on time, while some wish to arrive even earlier.

But the engine driver moves at their own pace!

When you finally reach your destination, you feel thankful to the engine driver. However, there are always a few who criticize the journey.

This is the journey of life. We are the passengers, and the engine driver is our God.

It’s all about understanding!

About the author


Hi everyone, I'm Roop. I’m currently a student and blogger. I hope you like my articles as they all are my life lessons I share with you all to help in some way. If they do help, please let me know in the comment section. Please do not hesitate to share your valuable suggestions.

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