Ask the Environment to Be Your Friend.

In this technological era, we are so comfortable with slogans like “Save water, save the Earth” and hundreds of others designed to make the country aware of upcoming environmental disasters. But are we truly following them?

The answer is no. Some people take it seriously, but only for a short while—usually until day two of their personal revolution—before returning to their old habits.

What we truly need is to understand the environment. I’m not asking you to open a book and read about it. Instead, I feel we need to start treating the environment as a living entity. Over time, we’ve forgotten that it breathes, too.

Make it your friend. Observe how it functions—how drops fall from artistic clouds, how rain produces its soothing “pitter-patter” sound, how the sun rises and sets in a rhythmic pattern, and how the moon completes its phases in intervals. Isn’t it beautiful? To me, God is an incredible artist, and nature is His ultimate masterpiece.

I encourage all of you to start loving the environment. When you fall in love with it, I guarantee you won’t allow even a single thing to harm its existence.


About the author


Hi everyone, I'm Roop. I’m currently a student and blogger. I hope you like my articles as they all are my life lessons I share with you all to help in some way. If they do help, please let me know in the comment section. Please do not hesitate to share your valuable suggestions.

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