The Art Of Letting Go

I was watching a TikTok earlier, and the lady said something that struck a chord with me

She mentioned that nothing affects her anymore, especially people. Whenever she faces something hurtful, she simply repeats to herself, “Let it go.”

It moved me deeply because, unknowingly, I’ve done the same many times. I’m someone who gets overwhelmed easily, often because I think too much. Or, more accurately, I overanalyse. The more I analyse, the more overwhelming things become. But over time, I’ve worked on breaking this habit, and it’s been transformative.

I realised that overanalysing often makes you focus on details that don’t necessarily benefit you. For example, I’d stress about why my friend didn’t say goodbye after class. I’d replay the moment endlessly, wondering what it meant. But in truth, such thoughts bring no peace. If I had just let it go, I’d have been much calmer and more present that day.

The truth is our minds are always thinking. It’s impossible to shut off those thoughts entirely. Instead, I’ve learned to redirect them. Rather than dwelling on what I can’t control, I choose to focus on what I can. Letting go isn’t about ignoring your feelings or sitting in isolation; it’s about acknowledging what’s out of your hands and moving forward.

The Power of Letting Go

Letting go starts with understanding that we don’t have power over everything. Sometimes, no matter how we react, the outcome won’t change. In those moments, the best thing we can do is release the burden. By saying, “Let it go,” I remind myself that I don’t need to carry the weight of every situation or every person’s actions.

When I let go, I feel lighter. Even if I’m not able to fully release a thought in the moment, acknowledging that it’s not in my control helps me take the first step. I remind myself that I still have the power to shift my focus and find peace.

Being Kind to Yourself

This little heart of ours often needs gentle guidance. They say we should be kind to ourselves because we’re living life for the first time. For me, being kind to myself means reminding myself that it’s okay to make mistakes. I try to be the kindest person to myself, understanding all that I’ve been through and cherishing the strength it took to come out stronger.

Letting go is one way I show myself kindness. It’s a way of saying, “You don’t have to carry this anymore.” And every time I let go, I feel a little lighter, a little freer.

Final Thoughts

The world can be overwhelming, but we don’t have to let it weigh us down. Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting or ignoring; it means choosing peace over chaos. So the next time life feels heavy, remind yourself: Let it go. Show yourself kindness, and trust that you have the strength to move forward.

About the author


Hi everyone, I'm Roop. I’m currently a student and blogger. I hope you like my articles as they all are my life lessons I share with you all to help in some way. If they do help, please let me know in the comment section. Please do not hesitate to share your valuable suggestions.

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  • I feel the strength in you which will never let anyone stop you from growing up. 🔥🔥

  • That’s a thoughtful article and I honestly believe that whether things come in favor or turn around we have to accept it depending on whether we take the acceptance as a burden/failure or understand it as a part of the play called life. But that doesn’t mean we should give up trying but instead not let anything change the state of one’s mind in any possible way. Lmao, I don’t know if you will understand what I am trying to say but my view correlates a lot with yours.

  • That’s a thoughtful article and I honestly believe that whether things come in favor or turn around we have to accept it depending on whether we take the acceptance as a burden/failure or understand it as a part of the play called life. But that doesn’t mean we should give up trying but instead not let anything change the state of one’s mind in any possible way. Lmao, I don’t know if you will understand what I am trying to say but my view correlates a lot with yours.

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