Recently, I’ve been hearing more voices sharing their pain, and I’m realising how it takes on different forms. For example, I may look perfectly fine, and you might think I’m the happiest person around. But you...
Category - valuable message
My dad always said,” life is a lesson you learn as you grow”. When he used to say that I would take it too lightly because obviously I had him forever and always. But now I just try to recall each and everything he said to...
In this technological era we are so comfortable with the slogans like “save water, save earth” and 100s like this which are being made to make the country aware about upcoming environmental disasters. But are we really...
It was in 2019 when I was around 14 years old. We had a family wedding to attend for which we had to go to another state. Family gathering are so exciting when you have lots of cousins especially when they are so close to your...
New beginnings can be made extra special if we take a step ahead for them by remembering the supreme power our beloved god. As now we are standing in the month of December when the cold shivering winter takes its tool we are...
Mehlaa2. Jay sa-o chandaa ugvahi sooraj charheh hajaar aytay chaanan hidi-aa gur bin ghor andhaar.||2|| The above lines state that if hundred moons were to rise and a thousand suns appeared, even...